भारत सरकार | Government of India


Directorate General of Mines Safety, DGMS in short, is the Regulatory Agency under the Ministry of labour and employment, Government of India in matters pertaining to occupational safety, health and welfare of persons employed in mines (Coal, Metalliferous and oil-mines).

Under the Constitution of India, safety, welfare and health of workers employed in mines are the concern of the Central Government (Entry 55-Union List-Article 246). The objective is regulated by the Mines Act, 1952 and the Rules and Regulations framed there under. These are administered by the Directorate-General of Mines Safety (DGMS), under the Union Ministry of Labour & Employment. Apart from administering the Mines Act and the subordinate legislation there under, DGMS also administers a few other allied legislation, including the Indian Electricity Act.

The organization has its headquarters at Dhanbad (Jharkhand) and is headed by Director-General of Mines Safety. At the headquarter, the Director-General is assisted by specialist staff-officers in mining, electrical and mechanical, occupational health, law, survey, statistics, administration and accounts disciplines. The headquarters has also a technical library and S&T laboratories as a back-up support to the organization.

Officers appointed to different technical posts in DGMS are seleted by U.P.S.C. They are required to have Degree in Mining or Electrical or Mechanical Engineering and several years of experience, varying from seven to ten years of working in responsible capacity in Mines and allied Industry. Besides officers of mining cadre posses First Class Mine Manager's Certificate of Competency. The Occupational Health cadre is manned by qualified and experienced medical personnel. Due to the nature of work performed by the officers of DGMS, the Govt. of India decleared the organization as S & T Institution" on the recommendation of Science and Technology Department of Govt. of India, in November 1987. To

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Vision of DGMS

To attain risk and hazard free conditions of work and welfare of persons employed in mines.

Mission of DGMS

To identify and reduce risk of accidents and diseases in and around the mine through:- Development of suitable legislation, rules, regulations, standards and guidelines; Adequate measures to ensure compliance and Awareness initiatives to inculcate safety and health culture amongst work-persons and stakeholders.